Remote and “Live” Learning
Prior to spring break, our staff did an amazing job of providing continuity of learning for our students. Building from the quality work they accomplished in a short period of time, we are working to promote the continuation of remote learning best practices.
You have probably experienced assignments and various forms of content delivery such as assignments, videos, online books, and projects. Students might also be engaged in “live” sessions with their teacher(s).
These “live” sessions might be a video chat, phone call, or interactive google doc. These types of events may happen one to two times per week or in the form of a morning meeting some remote learning days. The schedules for each level show priority times for teachers to engage in these activities, so students’ courses don’t have overlaps or conflicts.
Expectations for the use of “live” communication will vary. Factors such as health and wellness, the needs of students, the course content and staff and student comfort with the tools will impact the use of these types of classroom activities.
There are a variety of tools that students and teachers may use to accomplish both of these practices. Linked are some guidelines and suggestions for students who are engaging in video conferencing.