8:064 Naming of School Building or Facilities

The Board of Education recognizes the importance of naming school buildings and facilities. The Board of Education will be guided in selecting final names for school buildings and/or facilities by the following:

  1. The Superintendent shall obtain input from community members and members of the staff for names for new buildings and facilities.
  2. The Superintendent will present a recommendation to the Board of Education for the naming of a new school building no later than 45 days prior to the end of the semester prior to the planned opening.
  3. The naming of all school buildings or facilities is subject to final approval by the Board of Education.

Individual schools may choose alternate ways to honor persons who have contributed to their particular school. The Board of Education encourages such efforts as a fitting remembrance to outstanding service. This recognition shall be subject to Board approval.  The Board will not consider renaming facilities that haven been named to honor the contributions of individuals.  The Board will not consider any name other than Batavia High School for that facility in recognition of the rich history and significance of that institution in the community.

Assistance and procedures for naming building facilities and memorials are available through the Superintendent’s Office.

Date Adopted: 09/14/2010