8:040 Spectator Conduct at School Events

Any individual including adults, who behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner during any school event or meeting, including School Board meetings, may be ejected from the event or meeting.  The individual is also subject to being denied admission to school events or meetings, provided the procedures contained in this policy are followed.  Examples of unsportsmanlike or disruptive conduct includes, but are not limited to:

  1. Using vulgar or obscene language;
  2. Possessing or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or illegal substance;
  3. Possessing a weapon;
  4. Fighting or otherwise striking or threatening another person;
  5. Failing to obey the instructions of a security officer or school district employee; and
  6. Engaging in any activity which is illegal or disruptive.

Procedures to Deny Future Admission to School Events or Meetings

Before any individual may be denied admission to school events or meetings as provided in this policy, the individual has a right to a hearing before the Board.  The Superintendent or designee must provide the individual with a hearing notice, delivered or sent by certified mail with return receipt  requested, at least 10 days before the Board hearing date.  The hearing notice must contain:

  1. The date, time, and place of a Board hearing;
  2. A description of the unsportsmanlike conduct;
  3. The proposed time period that admission to school events will be denied; and
  4. Instructions on how to waive a hearing.

Cross Reference: 

8:030 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

Legal Reference(s): 

105 ILCS 5/24-24

Date Adopted: 09/14/2010