8:020-AP3 Requirements for Use of School Facilities

All users must sign a rental contract and agree to adhere to the following requirements prior to use of school facilities:

  1. Provide adequate supervision to ensure proper care and use of school facilities.
    1. The user is responsible to the Board for the use and care of the school facility.  All adult supervisors must have cell phones with them at all times.
    2. Sufficient, competent adult supervision must be provided and the adult supervisors must ensure that no minor is left alone after the activity.
    3. Use only the rooms or spaces designated in the rental agreement.  Entering any room or area not in use by the group is prohibited.  Use of the school facility is not permitted past the agreed end time.
    4. No furniture or equipment may be moved without prior approval from the Building Principal.
    5. Signs, displays, or materials may not be attached, nailed or otherwise affixed or cause damage to walls.
  2. Indemnify and hold harmless the District and its agents and employees for and from any and all loss including attorneys; fees, damages, expense, and liability arising out of its use of school property.
    1. Pay any damages to school facilities, furniture or equipment arising out of its use of school property whether such damage was accidental or deliberate.  The cost of damages will be based on the repair or replacement cost, the choice of which is at the School Board’s discretion.
    2. Supply proof of insurance naming Batavia Public School District 101 as an additional insured and verifying that the group maintains adequate insurance coverage against personal injury and/or property loss.
  3. Follow and train all adult supervisors the District’s emergency plan.
    1. Be prepared to act as an emergency responders at any time, including during staffed business hours.
    2. Use appropriate emergency procedures including calling 9-1-1 for medical emergencies.
    3. Follow (or activate, if necessary) any key emergency functions, including evacuation, lockout, lockdown, or shelter.
    4. Notify District staff of an emergency during non-staffed hours.
  4. If the request involves a physical fitness facility, the user must:
    1. Designate at least one adult supervisor who agrees to be an emergency responder.  All emergency responders are encouraged to be trained in CPR and trained AED users. (The District will not supervise the activity nor will it supply trained AED users).
    2. Give a copy of the District’s plan for responding to medical emergencies to each designated emergency responder.
    3. Require that 9-1-1 be called for medical emergencies and whenever an AED is used.
    4. Ensure that each designated emergency responder knows the the location of first aid equipment and any AED.
    5. Ensure that only trained AED users operate an AED, unless the circumstances do not allow time for a trained AED user to arrive.
    6. Arrange for at least one emergency responder to have a tour of the facility before the activity.
    7. Ensure that if an AED is used the Superintendent is informed and all appropriate forms are completed.
  5. Adhere to all Board policies and administrative procedures applicable to use of the school’s facility.
  6. Pay rental fees, if applicable.

Cross References:

4:060 Purchases and Contracts

4:170 Safety

4:100 Insurance Management

4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs

8:025 Community Relations

8:040 Spectator Conduct at School Events

8:090 Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs

8:100 Relations with Other Organizations and Agencies

Date Adopted:  March 24, 2020