7:340-E2 Letter Containing Schedule for Destruction of School Student Records

7:340-E2 Letter Containing Schedule for Destruction of School Student Records

7:340-E2 Letter Containing Schedule for Destruction of School Student Records

Use this to comply with the Illinois School Student Records Act notification requirements before any school student record is destroyed, or information deleted from it. 105 ILCS 10/4(h), amended by P.A.s 101-161 and 102-199; 23 Ill.Admin.Code §375.40(c). Store in the school’s or Building Principal’s office. If the student is 18 years of age or older, this letter is sent only to the student. If the student is 18 years of age or older and continues to be in the custody of the Ill. Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS), then the letter is sent to the student and the DCFS’ Office of Education and Transition Services.

Student’s Name ________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s)  ______________________________________________________________________

School  __________________________________________________________________________________________

This notice contains the destruction schedule for your or your child’s school records as required by rule of the Illinois State Board of Education, 23 Ill Admin Code 375.40(c).

As you or your child is permanently withdrawing, transferring, or graduating from this School District, you are notified of the schedule below for destruction of the school records. This schedule complies with Illinois School Student Records Act requirements that (1) temporary records be retained for at least five years after a student’s transfer, withdrawal, or graduation, and (2) permanent records be retained for at least 60 years after a student’s transfer, withdrawal, or graduation. 105 ILCS 10/4(e) and (f). The parent(s)/guardian(s), or the student if he or she is at least 18 years, and DCFS’ Office of Education and Transition Services, if applicable, may request a copy of a record at any time prior to the date of destruction listed below.

Temporary records will be destroyed no earlier than:  ____________________________________________


Permanent records will be destroyed no earlier than:  ____________________________________________


(Check all notification methods used:)

______Handbook dated ______________(year) 105 ILCS 10/4(h)(i).

______ Newspaper publication dated _______________ (month, date, year)105 ILCS 10/4(h)(ii)

______ Mailed to last known address on this ______ day of _________________, 20_____, by

_________________________________________ to the above named parent(s)/guardian(s), or to the student if he/she is at least 18 years of age.  105 ILCS 10/4(h)(iii).

______ Hand delivered on this ______ day of _________________, 20_____, by

_________________________________________ to the above named parent(s)/guardian(s), or to the student if he  or she is at least 18 years of age.  105 ILCS 10/4(h)(iv).

(Check if applicable)

______  A copy of this notice was provided to the Ill. Dept. of Children and Family Services’ (DCFS) Office of Education and Transition Services because your child is in the legal custody of DCFS. 105 ILCS 10/4(h).



Building Principal

Date Adopted:  January 21, 2020

Date Adopted:  October 25, 2022