7:300-E2 Parent/Student Contract
Student Name (Last/First/Middle Initial):
Parent/Guardian Name (Last/First/Middle Initial):
__________ ________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone (Home): ______________________________
Phone (Work): ______________________________
Phone (Cell): _______________________________
I/We have attended a mandatory meeting hosted by the Athletic Department on
(Date) _____________________.
I/We understand the philosophy and goals the Athletic Department is trying to achieve and give our son/daughter permission to participate in athletics for this school year.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________________________
I, _____________________________________ parent/guardian of ______________________________ do hereby give permission for my son/daughter to receive emergency medical treatment in the event of an injury. I further give permission for school officials to authorize emergency transportation to the nearest trauma center or emergency room for such treatment.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Student Signature: _______________________________________
Date Adopted: 06/24/2009