7:190-E4 Aggressive Behavior Reporting Letter and Form

7:190-E4 Aggressive Behavior Reporting Letter and Form

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Please be advised that your child engaged in behavior that, if repeated, could escalate into aggressive behavior, such as bullying. Illinois law requires school districts to notify the parent or guardian of a child who demonstrated behaviors that put him or her at risk for aggressive behavior.

The School Board policy on student behavior prohibits a student while at school or a school-related activity from: (1) engaging in any kind of bullying or aggressive behavior that causes physical or psychological harm to someone else, and/or (2) urging other students to engage in such conduct.

This early notification is intended to help all of us work together to avoid repetition of the behavior.

Student                                                                                    Incident date                           

Incident location                                                                     Incident time                           

Reported by                                                                             Reporting date                         

Description of the behavior: (Reporters, be specific. Describe what happened, what harm resulted, the child’s explanation, and any known or suspected causes for what happened.)






Follow-up conference: I or someone from my office will telephone you to schedule an in-person meeting or telephone conference to discuss what occurred and ways to help your child, (1) be aware of how others were affected by the behavior, and (2) to understand boundaries and manage conflict.

The following consequence(s) or intervention(s) is/are recommended:

[  ]  Counseling or other support services for your child.

[  ]  Providing opportunities for all individuals involved in an incident to reach a resolution.

[  ]  Enabling your child to make amends for the harm caused.

[  ]  Suggesting your child receive non-District affiliated services.

[  ]  [Insert other]  ____________________________________________________________



The District is committed to helping those involved learn from this experience.


__________________________________________________      ______________________________

Building Principal                                                                               Date


Date Adopted:  January 24, 2023