7:070-E4 Tardy Letter
[On District Letterhead]
To Parents/Guardians of (Student):
At Batavia Public School District 101, all elementary, middle, and high schools have worked together to develop a systematic approach to ensure that our students maintain consistent attendance patterns throughout the school year. Research shows there is a direct relationship between regular attendance, punctuality, and school success. Regular school attendance includes arriving to school on time and attending all classes throughout the day. There is no substitute for actual classroom instruction.
We realize that your child’s absences may have a valid cause, and communication may have been made to the teachers. However, Illinois School Code requires a school district to notify a parent of their child’s attendance record. Chronic absenteeism – according to state laws on attendance – is defined as being absent 5% of the previous 180 school days (or 9 days) without valid cause.
Our attendance records indicate (Student) has accumulated (#) days of absence due to excessive tardies, during the current school year. This meets and/or exceeds our Tier I attendance guidelines, of 3-5 days.
If these absences have been the result of illness, injury or hospitalization, you may have contacted the main office and provided documentation. If documentation has already been provided for these absences, no further action is necessary. If not, please contact the main office or send any medical documentation so that we may add it to our records. If your child’s attendance concerns continue and are due to illness, a doctor’s note may be required to excuse future absences. You may be asked to sign a consent form allowing the school nurse to contact your child’s physician directly to discuss medical concerns impacting your child’s attendance at school.
NON MEDICAL ABSENCES: Non-medical absences will require documentation or notification to the building administration. Absences for vacations not on the school calendar are considered unexcused.
School laws are very specific as to the parent’s responsibility to ensure regular school attendance. For your child to obtain the maximum benefit from his/her educational experience, it must be a joint responsibility between you and your child, and the school. We look forward to working together with you to help your child succeed in school.
Thank you, for your cooperation.
Date Adopted: February 7, 2017