7:060-AP3 Registration of Non-Resident Students

Non-resident students who, at the time of registration, are non-residents but will move into the District within the next 40 school days may be permitted to enroll with the approval of the Superintendent or designee.

To register, the parent or legal guardian shall present sufficient evidence that the student will establish residency in the District with the next 40 school days, consisting of:

  • A fully executed contract for purchase of a residence;
  • A fully executed lease of such a residence; or
  • Similar evidence that is satisfactory to the Superintendent or designee.

To enroll and attend under this provision, the parent or legal guardian shall sign a notarized contract, and non-resident tuition shall be prepaid in 20 school day installments.

If residency has been established within 40 school days and proof of residency has been provided to the satisfaction of the Superintendent or designee, the prepaid tuition for only those days that the student was deemed a resident will be refunded.

If the student is a non-resident after 40 school days or the prepaid tuition is depleted, the student shall be immediately dis-enrolled per 7:060 Residence.  The prepaid tuition will not be refunded.  Requests for additional days will be determined at the sole discretion of the Superintendent, and the decision cannot be appealed.

Under no circumstances shall transportation be provided until the student is an official resident and is deemed eligible for free transportation.

Date Adopted:  July 18, 2017

Date Amended:  December 18, 2018