6:330-AP2 Procedure for Selecting Graduation Speaker

Several students will speak at the graduation ceremony.  Students will audition for speeches in April of each year.  The principal, or designee, and a faculty member will select the speakers after the audition process.

One of the speeches is entitled the “Academic Recognition” speech.  Students will be invited to audition for this speech.  The process for the invitations are as follows:

  1. After the first semester grades are posted and grade point averages are calculated, senior students will be selected to audition.  Students will be selected based on the following criteria:
    • Invited students will have the potential to meet the benchmark set in BPS administrative procedure by their eighth semester at Batavia High School (6:330 AP1).
    • “Grade point average (GPA) will be calculated after each semester.  GPA will be capped for the Class of 2014 and beyond at 4.375.  The benchmark of 4.375 was arrived at by students taking a total of 12 AP or honors courses in their high school career.”
  2. Early graduates will not be invited to audition for the Academic Recognition speech.

Date Adopted: 01/22/2014