6:300-AP2 Batavia High School Graduation Requirements

6:300-AP2 Batavia High School Graduation Requirements

6:300-AP2 Batavia High School Graduation Requirements

The following minimum requirements must be met by all students before being awarded a diploma of graduation:

The total of 26 credits must include these required courses:

  • 4 credits of English;
  • 2 credits of writing-intensive courses
  • 3 credits of mathematics, one of which must be Algebra 1 and one of which must include geometry content;
  • 2 credits of science;
  • 3.5 credits of social studies, *of which at least one credit must be history of the United States or a combination of history of the United States and American government and at least one-half credit must be civics;
  • 1 credit chosen from any of the following:
    • art;
    • music;
    • world language and
    • vocational education (CTE)
  • Students must also meet the State of Illinois physical education, health, and consumer education curriculum requirements.

*indicates graduation requirements beyond those required by the State of Illinois.

Credit Maximum

Students may enroll in a maximum of 7 credits plus one credit of PE/Health per year at Batavia High School.  Additional credits may be requested on a space-available basis or as part of specialized programs (e.g. credit recovery programs).

Transfer Credits Towards Graduation

In order to maintain the integrity of the high school diploma awarded by Batavia Public Schools, the following will apply to credits transferred to Batavia  High School with the intent of meeting requirements for graduation.  For this purpose, a resident will be considered a Batavia High School student when they enroll in their first course at Batavia High School.

  1. Students at Batavia High School are limited to two (2) transfer credits that may be applied to graduation requirements.  Pre-approved dual credit courses taken at the community college and courses taken at accredited schools as part of a partnership agreement are not considered transfer credits.
  2. Students wishing to receive a diploma from Batavia Public Schools meet the graduation requirements for their class.  Exceptions may be made for students who transfer into or out of the District during their senior year or those participating in an approved foreign exchange program.

Transfer credit will be awarded through transcript review to determine equivalent credit applicable to the above requirements.  The transcript review process is not appealable outside the school site.

Transfer Student Graduation Requirements

Transfer students will be required to follow the transfer plan for required graduation credits.  The following plan indicates credit needed to graduate based on the year in school in which a student enters Batavia High School.

Credits needed if students enter as a:

  • Senior – 21
  • Junior – 23
  • Sophomore – 26
  • Freshman – 26


A high school student’s first educational option is the curriculum offered through the regular high school program.  Exceptions may be made on an individual basis for allowable variables.

Students may not begin earning qualifying high school graduation requirements until the first day of their 9th grade year.  Any credits prior to the start of high school may be considered for placement purposes only.

Notes:  The current graduation requirements do not apply to students with disabilities whose course of study is determined by an Individualized Education Program.

Adopted:  November 13, 2018