6:235-E3- Letter to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Regarding Student Use of the District’s Electronic Networks

6:235-E3- Letter to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Regarding Student Use of the District’s Electronic Networks

6:235-E3- Letter to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Regarding Student Use of the District’s Electronic Networks

Included in the Technology, Student Directory, Press Releases and Textbook Loan Permissions form distributed at registration:

Technology Internet Use: Parent or Guardian: As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read Batavia Public School District #101 Technology Use Policy and understand that this access is designed for education purposes; however, I recognize that it is impossible for District #101 to restrict access to all controversial material, and I will not hold District #101 responsible for materials accessed on the network. Further I accept full responsibility if my child’s use of technology is not appropriate in a school setting. I hereby give District #101 permission to issue an account for my child.

Date Approved: April 10, 2007