6:100-E1 Guidelines and Application for Using Animals in School Facilities for Educational Purposes

6:100-E1 Guidelines and Application for Using Animals in School Facilities for Educational Purposes

To be submitted to the Building Principal

This application must be approved before an animal may be brought into any school facility. Animals may be brought into the classroom or learning center for educational purposes, provided: 1) prior permission is received from both the supervising teacher and the Building Principal or designee; and 2) the following Guidelines for Using Animals in School Facilities are agreed to by the applicant, supervising teacher, and/or the animal owner.

Please print

Name and type of animal:  __________________________

School Facility:  ___________________________

Materials (i.e. cages, food, etc:  ____________________________

Date(s) Requested:  ______________________________

Educational Purpose:  _____________________________________________________

Guidelines for Using Animals in School Facilities

Prohibited Animals

The following animals are prohibited in school facilities:

  1. Inherently dangerous animals (e.g., lions, tigers, cougars, and bears)
  2. Nonhuman primates (e.g., monkeys and apes)
  3. Mammals at high-risk for transmitting rabies (e.g., bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes)
  4. Aggressive or unpredictable animals, wild or domestic
  5. Stray animals with unknown health and vaccination history
  6. Venomous or toxin-producing animals (e.g., certain spiders, insects, reptiles, and amphibians)

Vaccination Requirements

Prior to bringing certain animals into school facilities, current health records and/or proof of current vaccination is required as follows:

  1. Cats – A health certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian showing proof of current vaccination against feline distemper/upper respiratory vaccine (FVRCP), feline leukemia, feline chlamydiosis, and rabies; and proof of a negative fecal exam or successful treatment for internal parasites within the past six months.
  2. Dogs – A health certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian showing proof of current vaccination against canine distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, canine parainfluenza (CPIV), parovirus, Bordatella, and rabies; and proof of a negative fecal exam or successful treatment for internal parasites within the past six months.
  3. Ferrets – A health certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian showing proof of current vaccination against rabies; and proof of a negative fecal exam or successful treatment for internal parasites within the past six months.
  4. Psittacine Birds – Proof of treatment or negative test results for psittacosis (avian chlamydiosis).

General Guidelines

To protect students and staff from zoonotic diseases, the following guidelines apply to animals brought into school facilities for educational purposes:

  1. The Building Principal or designee must approve all animals brought into school facilities.
  2. Animals must be clean and free of intestinal parasites, fleas, ticks, and mites.
  3. Students must be supervised by District staff during all human-animal contact.
  4. Animals should be handled humanely.
  5. Animals should be displayed in enclosed cages or under appropriate restraint (e.g., leash).
  6. Animals may not roam free, fly free or have contact with wild animals.
  7. No animals are allowed in areas where food or drink is prepared or consumed.
  8. Food for animals must be stored in air-tight, closed contains (preferably hard plastic) to prevent spills and attracting nuisance animals and/or insects.
  9. Anyone handling animals must wash his/her hands thoroughly with warm water and soap afterwards. Hand sanitizer may not be used as a substitute for soap and water.
  10. Areas where animals have been present must be cleaned and disinfected by District staff.
  11. Animal waste must be appropriately disposed of by a District staff member (e.g., using disposable plastic gloves and plastic bags). Under no circumstances are students allowed to clean cages/aquariums or handle animal waste.
  12. The supervising teacher must:
  13. Consult with parent(s)/guardian(s) to determine any special considerations needed for students who are immunocompromised or have allergies, asthma, or other health concerns; and
  14. Complete and issue the Student Permission for Exposure to Animal(s) form to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of all students who will be exposed to the animal(s).
  15. A responsible adult must accompany all animal visits into school facilities.

Procedures for the Housing, Care and Handling of Specific Animals

  1. Dogs – All dogs must be housebroken.
  2. Farm animals – Due to the risk of E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium, these animals are not appropriate unless meticulous attention to personal hygiene can be assured.
  3. Ferrets – Ferrets bite when startled, therefore students should not handle ferrets in the classroom. Students under the age of five are prohibited from having contact with these animals.
  4. Fish – Use disposable gloves when cleaning aquariums. Do not dispose of aquarium water in sinks used for food preparation or for obtaining drinking water.
  5. Hamsters, Guinea pigs, and Gerbils – Due to the risk of Salmonella bacteria and Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, special care must be taken when students handle these animals. Students under the age of five are prohibited from having contact with these animals.
  6. Psittacine Birds – Because these birds (e.g., parrots, parakeets, budgies, and cockatiels) can carry disease, students are prohibited from handling them. Staff members should clean cages when students are not present.
  7. Reptiles and Amphibians – Due to the risk of Salmonella bacteria, special precautions must be taken when students handle these animals. Students under the age of five are prohibited from having contact with these animals.

Animal-Related Injuries

If an animal bites, scratches, or otherwise injures someone at school and the skin is pierced, the Building Principal or designee will ensure:

  1. The teacher immediately reports the incident to the Building Principal or designee and school nurse;
  2. If necessary, the school nurse notifies public health authorities;
  3. The school nurse notifies the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s); and
  4. An incident/accident report is completed by the staff member responsible at the time of the injury and forwarded to the school nurse.

Additional Applicant, Supervising Teacher, and Animal Owner Responsibilities

  1. Applicant responsibilities:
  2. The applicant must have a plan that assures the animal is appropriately housed, humanely cared for, and properly handled.
  3. The applicant must submit health records and/or proof of current vaccination as set forth in these Guidelines for Using Animals in School Facilities.
  4. Animals are not to be transported on school buses.
  5. Supervising teacher and/or facility staff responsibilities:
  6. The supervising teacher signing the application must assume primary responsibility for the animal.
  7. Only the teacher or students designated by the teacher are to handle the animals.
  8. If animals are to be kept in the classroom on days when classes are not in session, the teacher must make arrangements for their care and safety.
  9. Animal owner’s responsibilities:
  10. The animal’s owner agrees to hold the District, its employees, agents, and assigns harmless for any injury to, including death of, the animal.
  11. The animal’s owner, if different from the person making the application, must sign below demonstrating that he or she granted permission for the animal to come into the classroom and agrees to the conditions set forth in this application.

I agree to abide by the Guidelines for Using Animals in School Facilities outlined above in this application.

Applicant (please print) Telephone number
Applicant’s signature Date
Supervising teacher (please print)
Supervising teacher’s signature Date
Animal owner’s name if different from applicant (please print)
Animal owner’s signature Date

The Building Principal will base his or her decision on the information being provided in this application as well as other criteria deemed important. Note to Building Principal or designee: after approving or denying this application, return a copy of it to the applicant and keep the original in the school office.

 Approved                Denied

Building Principal or designee’s signature Date

Date Approved:  October 4, 2016