6:060-AP1, E2, Resources for Biking and Walking Safety Education

6:060-AP1, E2, Resources for Biking and Walking Safety Education

105 ILCS 5/27-23.11 requires the District to make education available to students in grades kindergarten through 8 on effective methods for preventing and avoiding traffic injuries related to walking and bicycling. How that education is made available and any specific resources used are at the discretion of the District.

Pedestrian Safety Programs

Pedestrian Safer Journey by the Federal Highway Administration – Includes age-appropriate videos with follow-up quizzes and discussion guides on safe walking. The material is divided into three age ranges: 5 to 9, 10 to 14, and 15 to 18. Also includes a list of additional resources and curricula from around the country for teachers and parents/caregivers. Available at: www.pedbikeinfo.org/pedsaferjourney/index.html.

Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – Teaches and encourages pedestrian safety for students in grades kindergarten through 5. It is organized into five lessons: walking near traffic, crossing streets, crossing intersections, parking lot safety, and school bus safety. Each lesson builds upon previous set of skills learned. Available at: www.nhtsa.gov/pedestrian-safety/child-pedestrian-safety-curriculum.

WalkSafe® by the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center – Organized into three levels for grades kindergarten-1, 2-3, and 4-5, and includes lessons using videos, outside simulation activities, and art projects. Supplemental materials include handouts, flashcards, and pre- and post-assessment tests. Available at: kidzneurosciencecenter.com/walksafe/.

Bicycle Safety Programs

Bicycle Safer Journey by the Federal Highway Administration – Includes age-appropriate videos with follow-up quizzes and discussion guides on safe bicycling. The material is divided into three age ranges: 5 to 9, 10 to 14, and 15 to 18. Also includes a list of additional resources and curricula from around the country for teachers and parents/caregivers. Available at: www.pedbikeinfo.org/bicyclesaferjourney/index.html.

Bikeology by Shape America and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – Aligns with the National Standards for kindergarten-12 Physical Education and includes lessons and assessments for skills and knowledge. Supplemental materials include a parent guide to reinforce the curriculum. Available at:


BikeSafe® by the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center – Contains four off-bike lessons to teach bicycle safety skills to middle school-aged children through interactive simulations, modeling, and creative activities. Supplementary materials include student worksheets and parent tip sheets. An on-bike lesson plan is also provided. Available at: kidznc.org/bikesafe.

Bike Safety Quiz by Ride Illinois – Teaches kids, adults, and motorists how to share the road safely. Interactive quizzes for each audience cover safety techniques and relevant state laws. Available at: www.bikesafetyquiz.com/.

Cycling Skills Clinic Guide by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – Provides a step-by-step approach to planning and initiating an on-bicycle safety skills event, including instructions and resources for setting up and conducting a skills-training course. Available at: one.nhtsa.gov/Driving-Safety/Bicycles/CyclingSkillsClinic.

Kids on Wheels Training Manual by the Active Transportation Alliance – An experiential, on-bike curriculum to teach grades 2-4 students to travel safely on a bicycle. Over three lessons, students are engaged in demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and on-bicycle riding skills activities. Available at: www.activetrans.org/resources/education.

Combined Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Programs

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: 10-minute Lessons for PE Class by the Active Transportation Alliance – A series of brief pedestrian- and bicycle-themed lessons consisting of one 10- to 15-minute physical activity. Available at: www.activetrans.org/resources/education.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: 9 Lessons for the Classroom by the Active Transportation Alliance – A series of brief pedestrian- and bicycle-themed lessons designed to be delivered in a classroom setting. Available at: www.activetrans.org/resources/education.

LEGAL REF.:                 105 ILCS 5/27-23.11.

Date Adopted:  10/25/2022