5:320 Educational Support Personnel Evaluation

5:320 Educational Support Personnel Evaluation

The Superintendent is responsible for designing and implement a program for evaluating the job performance of each educational support staff member according to standards contained in School
Board policies as well as in compliance with State law and any applicable employee handbook and/or collective bargaining agreement. The standards for the evaluation program shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Each employee shall be evaluated annually, preferably before the annual salary review.
2. The direct supervisor shall provide input.
3. The employee’s work quality, promptness, attendance, reliability, conduct, judgment, and
cooperation shall be considered.
4. The employee shall receive a copy of the annual evaluation.
5. All evaluations shall comply with the State and federal law and any applicable handbook and/or
collective bargaining agreement.

Date Adopted: 12/19/2006

Date Amended: 1/24/2023