5:190-E3 Letter to Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements for the Grade Level and Subject Area of Assignment

5:190-E3 Letter to Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements for the Grade Level and Subject Area of Assignment

5:190-E3 Letter to Teacher Who Does Not Meet Applicable State Certification/Licensure Requirements for the Grade Level and Subject Area of Assignment

On District letterhead


Re:       Your Educator Certification/License

Dear [insert teacher’s name]:

Teachers working in a program supported with federal funds under Title I, Part A are required to meet applicable State certification and licensure requirements.

Our records indicate you are teaching without meeting applicable State educator certification and licensure requirements for the grade level and subject to which you are assigned. As required by federal law, the District has provided to the parents of the students in your classes that you are teaching without the above-referenced certification or licensure (20 U.S.C. §6312(e)(1)(B)(ii)).

Please contact your Building Principal as soon as possible to discuss your educator certification and licensure requirements. If you believe this letter was sent to you by mistake, please contact your Building Principal as soon as possible so that we may correct our records if appropriate.




Date Adopted:  September 22, 2020