5:060-AP1 Expenses
Registration Fees
When possible, registration fees will be paid by the District in advance.
Procurement Card (P-Card)
Transportation Costs
The least expensive transportation shall be used. Employees will be reimbursed for:
- Air travel at the coach or single class commercial airline rate. Copies of airline tickets must be attached to the check request form.
- Rail or bus travel at actual cost. Rail or bus travel costs may not exceed the cost of coach airfare. Copies of tickets will be attached to the check request form to substantiate amounts.
- Use of personal automobiles at the standard mileage rate approved by the Internal Revenue Service for income tax purposes. The reimbursement may not exceed the cost of coach airfare. Mileage for personal automobile use in trips to and from transportation terminals will also be reimbursed. Toll charges and parking costs will be reimbursed. All reimbursements must be requested on the travel expense form.
- Automobile rental costs when the vehicle’s use is warranted. The circumstances for such use must be explained on the check request form.
- Taxis, airport limousines, or other local transportation costs.
Hotel/Motel Charges
Employees should request conference rate or mid-fare room accommodations. A single room rate will be reimbursed. Other expenses incurred by employees will be reimbursed when specifically related to School District business. The check request form or hotel bill must explain the types of expenses incurred.
Employees shall pay personal expenses that are charged to hotel room bills at check-out. If this is not possible, deductions for the charges should be made on the check request form..
Meal Charges
Meal charges to the School District should represent “mid-fare” selections for the hotel/meeting facility or general area and generally should not exceed $50.00 per day. Tips shall be included with the meal charges. Itemized receipt and total amount paid receipt must be attached to the check request form.
Personal Charges
All personal travel costs must be excluded from the check request form.
Date Adopted: March 13, 2008
Date Amended: March 18, 2015