4:170-AP8 Soccer Goal Safety

4:170-AP8 Soccer Goal Safety

4:170-AP8 Soccer Goal Safety


Actor Action

Designate Buildings & Grounds Director to identify any movable soccer goals within their buildings’ and grounds and comply with the Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act (430 ILCS 145/, added by P.A. 97-234).

Buildings and Grounds Director

Identify any movable soccer goals that the school owns and controls.

The Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act, (430 ILCS 145/, added by P.A. 97-234) requires that Ill. Department of Public Health to provide technical assistance materials no later than June 30, 2012.

Implement the Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act , (430 ILCS 145/, added by P.A. 97-234) by requiring that movable soccer goals be properly anchored.

See, January 1995 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission document, WashingtonCPSC Document #326 Guidelines for Movable Soccer Goal Safety


Date Adopted:    April 162014