4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs

The Superintendent shall manage the District’s facilities and grounds as well as facility construction and building programs in accordance the law, the standards set forth in this policy, and other applicable Board policies.  The Superintendent or designee shall cooperate with and facilitate:  (1) inspections of schools by the Regional Superintendent and State Fire Marshal or designee, and (2) review of plans and specifications for future construction or alterations of a school if requested by the relevant municipality, county (if applicable), or fire protection district.

Standards for Managing Buildings and Grounds

All District buildings and grounds shall be adequately maintained in order to provide an appropriate, safe, and energy efficient physical environment for learning and teaching.  The Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board with periodic reports on maintenance data and projected maintenance needs that include cost analysis.

Standards for Green Cleaning

For each District school with 50 or more students, the Superintendent or designee shall establish and supervise a green cleaning program that complies with the guidelines established by the Illinois Green Government Coordinating Council.

Standards for Facility Construction and Building Programs

As appropriate, the School Board will authorize the production of a comprehensive study to determine the need for facility construction and expansion.  On an annual basis, the Superintendent or designee shall provide the Board with projected facility needs, enrollment trends, and other data impacting facility use.  School Board approval is needed for all new facility construction and expansion.

When making decisions pertaining to design and construction of school facilities, the School Board will confer with members of the staff and community, the Illinois State Board of Education, and educational and architectural consultants, as it deems appropriate.  The Board’s facility goals are to:

  1. Integrate facilities planning with other aspects of planning and goal-setting.
  2. Base educational specifications for school buildings on current and future needs.
  3. Design buildings for sufficient flexibility to permit new or modified programs.
  4. Design buildings for maximum potential for community use.
  5. Meet or exceed all safety requirements.
  6. Meet requirements on the accessibility of school facilities to disabled persons as specified in State or federal law.
  7. Provide for low maintenance costs and energy efficiency.

Cross Reference: 

2:150 Committees

2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services

4:060 Purchases and Contracts

8:070 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities

Legal Reference(s): 

42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.

20 ILCS 3130/, Green Buildings Act.

105 ILCS 5/10-20.46, 5/10-22.36, 5/17-2.11, 140/, and 230/.

410 ILCS 25/, Environmental Barriers Act.

820 ILCS 130/, Prevailing Wage Act.

23 Ill.Admin.Code Part 151, School Construction Program; Part 180, Health/Life Safety Code for Public Schools; and Part 2800, Green Cleaning for Elementary and Secondary Schools.

71 Ill.Admin.Code Part 400, Illinois Accessibility Code.

Date Adopted:   January 27, 2009