4:060-E1 Internal Procedures for Procurement Transactions

Actor Action
Staff Member Identifies a procurement need and makes a written request to the appropriate department head and/or Building Principal.
Building Principal, appropriate department head or designee Evaluates staff member’s request by conducting a needs analysis determining a funding source, and determining if request should be sent to the Business Manager and/or designee for further analysis.  Note:  The Principal’s procurement role likely varies based upon each district and type of expense.
Business Manager and/or Designee Upon request of the Building Principal, conducts further analysis of staff member’s request in order to verify information and determine if funds are available.  Provides Building Principal with results of further analysis.
Building Principal, appropriate department head or designee Provides Superintendent and/or designee with staff member’s written procurement request, his/her analysis of the staff member’s request and, if applicable, any further analysis conducted by the Business Manager and/or designee.
Superintendent and/or designee Reviews staff member’s request and analyses of same; evaluates educational value of procurement requested.  Superintendent and/or designee may then:

  • Approve procurement request if below amount set by the School Board and/or State law (105 ILCS 5/10-20.21);
  • Deny procurement request or;
  • If procurement request amount exceeds the Superintendent’s authority, seeks Board permission for procurement.  See Policy 4:060, Purchases and Contracts, for the amount designated by the Board.

When presenting a contract or purchase for Board approval, the Superintendent and/or designee shall ensure it complies with applicable State and Federal law.  See Policy 4:060, Purchases and Contracts.

School Board Considers any procurement requests submitted by the Superintendent and/or designee.

Considers any procurement requests submitted by the Superintendent and/or designee.

Superintendent and/or designee Identifies appropriate method of procurement and ensures appropriate method is followed.

Date Adopted:  July 18, 2017