3:040-AP1 Evaluation of the Superintendent Timeline and Process

Batavia Public Schools Evaluation of the Superintendent

I.  Purpose of the Evaluation

Pursuant to state law, 105ILCS5/24A-1 et al., school boards are charged with evaluating the performance of the superintendent against standards and objectives agreed to by the superintendent and board.  The guidelines for such an evaluation include:

  1. The standards for superintendent evaluation shall reflect mutually agreed upon goals and objectives for the school district, arrived at through a participative process with the school board and superintendent.
  2. A specific time should be designated for a formal evaluation session with all school board members present.
  3. The evaluation of the superintendent should include a discussion of professional strengths as well as performance areas needing improvement.
  4. The evaluation of the superintendent requires preparation, self-examination by the superintendent, and collection and review of data by the school board related to the superintendent’s performance.
  5. The school board shall support the results of the superintendent’s evaluation with as much rationale and objective evidence as possible.

In accordance with best practices, this review will consist of the completion of the following written appraisal instrument and the discussion of this instrument with the superintendent in closed session.  The intent of the evaluation is to:

  1. Arrive at certain conclusions as to the effectiveness of the superintendent in achieving the objectives of his/her job description.
  2. Communicate those conclusions to the superintendent providing counsel and direction to him/her.
  3. Enhance the working relationship between the board of education and the superintendent.
  4. Promote the professional development and growth of the superintendent.
  5. Guide decisions relative to continued employment and compensation.

II.  Components

  1. Evaluation Discussions:  At least 3 times per year, the board will meet with the superintendent to discuss performance.
  2. Evaluation Instrument:  The evaluation tool will be used as a self-evaluation by the superintendent in December and used by the board in March to rate the superintendent.
  3. Goal Setting:  The superintendent and board will review goals annually.  The superintendent will provide evidence of progress during the evaluation discussions.
  4. Summative Document:  The board president will provide written summary of the superintendent’s progress toward established goals, attainment of the student performance and academic improvement goals, and working relationships with the board, staff and community.
  5. Professional Development Plan:  Annually, the superintendent will develop a plan to address professional development opportunities aligned to the work of the superintendent and the priorities of the district.

Failure to adhere to these timelines shall not limit the authority of the Board.

(Note:  Superintendent’s contract will take precedent over process and suggested timeline).

Date Approved:  October 4, 2016