2:150-AP2 Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council

2:150-AP2 Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council

Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council

CHARGE: The Curriculum and Assessment Advisory Council (CAAC) will monitor and evaluate district curriculum, assessment and instruction and make recommendations to the Board of Education Policy Committee.

1. Curriculum and Assessment Advisory

2. Tasks and Documentation Needs

Tasks Supporting Documentation/Artifacts
1.  Create a Curriculum Development Plan
a. Define Leadership Team and Task Force work
* Curriculum Development Framework (needs to be developed)
* Charge Template for the Leadership Team/Task Force (needs to be modified)
2. Develop a Curriculum Review Process
a. Continuous improvement cycle
b. Identify documentation for each step in cycle
* Long-range calendar for development and implementation of curriculum
* Curriculum Review Process
* Supporting documents as indicated in the Curriculum Review Process (needs to be developed)
3. Establish a System and Methods to Monitor and Evaluate Curriculum
a. Analyze achievement data annually to continuously improve curriculum
b. Revise Curriculum Review Process and calendar based on needs from data analysis
* Common Data Set (annually reviewed)
o Annual Assessment Report
o School Improvement Plans
o Additional assessment results based on curriculum review
* Surveys of key stakeholders (teachers, students, parents) (needs to be modified)
* Student course requests (High School)
4. Create an Assessment and Reporting Plan
a. Define System of Reporting components
b. Define process for common grade level/subject assessment development (criteria, Type I, Type II, Type III, etc.)
c. Investigate and support use of a data collection system
* System of Reporting (needs to be developed)
* Criteria for quality assessment development (needs to be developed)
* Approved Type I, II, III assessments list (needs to be developed)
* Criteria for selecting a data collection system (needs to be developed)
5. Design an Instructional Strategy Review Process
a. Define process for inclusion of suggestions for differentiation in curriculum
b. Establish a process for monitoring instructional strategy implementation
* Effective practices list (needs to be developed)
* Instructional unit framework (needs to be developed)
* Innovation Curriculum/Instruction Matrix (needs to be developed)
6. Establish a Two-way Communication Plan
a. Key work groups on the Collaborative Model (PLAC, BOE Policy, BEPR, etc.)
b. District-wide staff
c. Parents and Community
d. Board of Education
e. Common talking points for members to present with feedback provided at end
* Curriculum Guide (K-5) (6-12 needs to be developed)
* Communique for key work groups (needs to be developed)
* Feedback from staff during curriculum review
* Open committee meeting emails (needs to be developed)
* CAAC Chat (needs to be developed)
* Focus Groups (needs to be developed)
* Feedback from talking points presentations
7. Material, Research/Evaluation Process
a. Establish criteria for Task Force selection of instructional materials
b. Establish process for staff recommendation for supplementary materials
c. Review current research, trends, and standards in curriculum, instruction, and assessment
* Material selection criteria (needs to be developed)
* Supplementary Materials Recommendation Process
* Articles, books, etc.
* Environmental scan process and data
8. Recommend changes in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
a. Adoption recommendations to the Board of Education
b. Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Learning needs based on research review and/or adoption to appropriate teams
* Adoption Template (needs to be adapted)
* Communication to PD/LAC based on Curriculum Review Process needs

3. Completion date: On going

4. Meetings:
 First Thursday of each month.

 Typically 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

5. Composition
Chairpersons: Chief Academic Officer (CAO) (non-voting)

* Board of Education (1 member)

* Administration (3- 1 representative from each level)

* Batavia Education Association Representatives (5 representatives: 1 classroom teacher from each level (2 elementary) and 1 from support)

6. Responsibilities of Members:
a. Attend all meetings

b. Support the purpose and work defined by the team

c. Behave in a professional manner; abide by group norms

d. Respect the confidentiality of written and verbal communication

e. Not speak or act for the ad hoc team without prior authority

f. Act fairly and be impartial in their role on behalf of BPS101

7. Nomination and Selection Procedures:
a. Selection procedures

i. Nomination form: See attached

ii. Nomination due: September 15 of each year for open seats

iii. Selection criteria: Curricular expertise and interest, commitment to professional learning, communication skills and data analysis skills will be considered in selecting candidates for the committee positions

b. Terms: 3 years. The Team year is November through October. Terms will be staggered. Initial terms will be staggered after three years.
i. Middle School (2014-15)

ii. Elementary School (2014-15, 2015-16)

iii. High School (2015-16)

iv. Related Services (2016-17)

c. Vacancy: All vacancies will be filled within 30 days of receiving notice of an open position. Administrative vacancies will be filled by the Superintendent and the BEA will fill any teacher vacancies

d. Absent Member: A representative member who is absent more than two meetings in a team year (November to October) shall be contacted by the CAO to discuss needed support or transition. Continued absences will result in a discussion with BEA leadership or Superintendent.

8. Chair and Recorder
a. Co-Chair: The Advisory Team shall elect a BEA Co-chair to advise and serve in the absence of the CAO.

a. Responsibilities include:
i. Communicate (BOE presentation, communicate with BEA membership)

ii. Collaborate on the agenda for each meeting

iii. Liaise between BEA officers and CAAC

iv. Chair meeting in the absence of the CAO

b. Nomination and Election: Members will self-nominate each November for the position. A voice vote will be used for election to the position.

b. Recorder: Annually, in November of each year, a recording secretary shall be elected by the voting members.

a. Responsibilities include:
i. Note taking during meeting

ii. Draft communication/talking points to stakeholders

b. Nomination and Election: Members will self-nominate each November for the position. A voice vote will be used for election to the position.

c. Publisher: Annually, in November of each year, a publisher shall be elected by the voting members.

a. Responsibilities include:
i. Lead the group in clarifying decisions regarding communication to stakeholders

ii. Publish the information for stakeholders to access

b. Nomination and Election: Members will self-nominate each November for the position. A voice vote will be used for election to the position.

9. Records of Meetings

a. Agendas of each meeting should be posted 48 hours to advance by the recorder.

b. Communication will be reviewed and should be posted electronically to all employees within 48 hours.

10. Annual report to the Board of Education the progress towards goals

a. Delivered by the CAO and Co-Chair with participation of the team as needed

b. Developed collaboratively by the committee

c. Report is submitted to the Superintendent and BEA President by the end of September each year

11. The committee will review the charter every November and revisit the foundational principles every 3 years.

Date Adopted: April 5, 2013