2:150-AP1 Superintendent Committees

The Superintendent or designee creates Superintendent or administrative committees as deemed necessary, makes all appointments and directs all activities.  A Superintendent or administrative committee reports directly to the Superintendent or designated administrator who directs its activities.  The Superintendent or designee should consult the Board Attorney (a) concerning whether any of these committees must comply with the Open Meetings Act (OMA).  Unless otherwise indicated, the listed Superintendent or administrative committees are optional:

Safety Team

The District Safety Team builds awareness about and supports the development and implementation of the District’s Targeted School Violence Prevention Program.  See policy 4:190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program.

The District Safety Team is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining an EOP with the following objectives as explained in FEMA’s Guide to Developing High-Quality School emergency Operations Plans (2013), at rems.ed.gov/docs/REMS_K-12_Guide_508.pdf

  • Prevention, meaning the capabilities needed to avoid, deter, or stop an incident.  Prevention requires the use of (a) research-based principles of safety and security; (b) an ongoing analysis of data (e.g., incident and inspection reports, complaints, suggestions), and (c) an ongoing program for identifying and evaluating unreasonable risks.
  • Protection, meaning the capabilities needed to secure schools against violence and manmade or natural disasters.  Protection focuses on ongoing actions that protect students, teachers, staff, visitors, networks and property from a threat or hazard.
  • Mitigation, meaning the capabilities needed to reduce the likelihood or impact of an incident or emergency.  Mitigation requires, among other things, high-quality training and instruction programs to execute and improve the EOP.
  • Response, meaning the capabilities needed to stabilize an incident, save lives, establish a safe and secure environment, and facilitate the transition to recovery.  Effective response requires, among other things, a clear, rapid, factual and coordinated system of internal and external communication.
  • Recovery, meaning the capabilities needed to restore the learning environment.

Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Programs Parent Advisory Committee

This committee is required.  The committee maximized the practical involvement of parents/guardians of students in the District’s TE program(s).  Its purpose is to:

  1. Afford parents/guardians the opportunity to effectively express their views; and
  2. Ensure that the District’s program(s) are planned, operated, and evaluated with the involvement of, and in consultation with, parents/guardians of students served by the program(s).

All Building Principals or their designees serve on this team.  Other Committee members must include parents/guardians of students enrolled in the District’s TBE programs, transitional bilingual education teachers, counselors, and representatives from community groups.  A majority of the committee members (or if the District has multiple committees, each committee) must be parents/guardians of students enrolled in the district’s TBE program(s).

The committee must elect officers, establish internal rules, guidelines and procedures.  It reports directly to the Superintendent or designee.

Title I Parent Advisory Committee

This committee is required if the District receives or desires to receive Title I funds. See policy 6:170, Title I Programs; administrative procedure 6:170-AP1,Checklist for Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Parent Involvement Compacts for Title I Programs20 U.S.C. §§6312(a)(1)(A), 6318(a)(2)(F). The committee supports the development and implementation of the District’s Title I plan. Its activities may include, at the Superintendent or designee’s directive:

  1. Facilitating the active involvement of parents/guardians in their children’s academic success by such activities as coordinating Title I parent-teacher conferences, providing information to help parents/guardians assist their children, coordinating volunteer or paid participation by parents/guardians in school activities, and establishing a process to respond to parents/guardians’ inquiries and recommendations.
  2. Distributing Title I informational materials.
  3. Consulting regarding the District’s Title I Plan.
  4. Supporting the implementation of Board policy 6:170, Title I Programs.

Committee members include parents/guardians and family members of Title I children. It reports directly to the Superintendent or designee.

PERA (Performance Educational Reform Act) Joint Committee and the RIF (Reduction in Force) Joint Committee 

Each committee listed below is required until its function has been fulfilled.

  1. PERA joint committee. This mandatory committee develops a plan for incorporating data and indicators of student growth into the evaluation plan. The joint committee is “composed of equal representation selected by the district and its teachers, or where applicable, the exclusive bargaining representative of its teachers.” 105 ILCS 5/24A-4(b). If, within 180 calendar days of the committee’s first meeting, the committee does not reach an agreement on the plan, the District must implement ISBE’s model evaluation plan with respect to the use of data and indicators on student growth. The amendment of an evaluation plan continues to be a mandatory subject of bargaining. This committee also agrees to the panel of qualified evaluators that reviews appeals of unsatisfactory performance ratings and determines the criteria for successful appeals. 105 ILCS 5/24A-5.5, added by P.A. 101-591.
  2. RIF joint committee. This mandatory committee convenes annually to consider issues identified in the statute concerning the selection of teachers for layoff. 105 ILCS 5/24-12(c). On or before December 1 each year, the RIF joint committee must be established and must hold its first meeting. It is composed of individuals appointed by the Board and the teachers (or the exclusive bargaining representative of its teachers).

Educational Technology Committee

This committee supports the implementation of policy 7:345, Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security. Committee members may include the Head of Information Technology, District-level administrators, Building Principals, and teachers. See administrative procedure 7:345-AP1, Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security.

BPS101 Collaborative Committees

Committees are established for the purpose of collaboration and shared decision making  Standing committees, sub committees and ad hoc committees may be established, modified or discontinued with the mutual consent of all parties.

  1. The Curriculum Assessment Advisory Council (CAAC) shall monitor and evaluate curriculum, assessment and instruction and make recommendations for the same to the Superintendent.
  2. The Professional Learning Advisory Council (PLAC) shall monitor professional learning and training activities, make recommendations for the same to the Superintendent.
  3. The Resource Responsibility Advisory council (RRAC) shall monitor District finances and school resource allocations and make recommendations for the same to the Superintendent.
  4. The Insurance and Benefits Committee shall monitor employee benefits, including insurance plan design, coverages deductibles and copays, make recommendations for the same to the Superintendent and manage the provisions set forth in Section 10.04.
  5. The Student Services Committee shall review, develop philosophy and study issues related to students at-risk and social emotional learning, including Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and make recommendations for the same to the Superintendent.
  6. The Stipend Committee shall consider requests for new stipends or review existing recommendations to the Superintendent for the same.  The Committee shall have the authority to remove stipends that no longer exist or have limited student participation and to reallocate stipend funding.  The Committee shall also develop and maintain guidelines for the evaluation of student clubs and activities.
  7. The Class Size Review Committee shall consider requests for relief as outlined in the BEA Negotiated Agreement.
  8. The Student Services Workload Committee shall consider requests for workload review as outlined in the BEA Negotiated agreement.
  9. The Joint Appraisal Committee shall manage and monitor the Educator Appraisal Plan, adhering to the respective requirements of the School Code and make recommendations to the Superintendent for the same.

Time Out and Physical Restraint Oversight Team

The Time Out and Physical Restraint Oversight Team is required. The Team includes, but is not limited to, Building Principals, teachers, paraprofessionals, school service personnel, and administrators to develop:

  1. A school district plan, including school-specific considerations, for reducing and eventually eliminating the use of isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint in accordance with the goals and benchmarks established by ISBE; and
  2. Procedures to implement the plan and make the plan available for review by parents/guardians.

The Team also Supports the District’s submission to ISBE of the plan by July 1, 2022 and of progress reports annually thereafter through July 1, 2024, as well as notification to parents/guardians when plans and progress reports are available for review.

Date Adopted:  February 18, 2015

Date Amended:  January 23, 2018

Date Amended:  January 21, 2020

Date Amended:  September 22, 2020

Date Amended:  August 24, 2021

Date Amended: July 19, 2022