2:140 Communications to and from the Board
The School Board welcomes communications from the school community. Individuals may submit questions or communications for the School Board’s consideration to the Superintendent or may use the electronic link to the Board’s email address that is posted on the District’s website.
The Superintendent or designee shall:
- Ensure that the home page for the District’s website contains an active electronic link to the email address for the School Board, and
- Ensure all Board members receive all questions and communications submitted for the Board’s consideration.
If contacted individually, Board members will refer the person to the appropriate level of authority, except in unusual situations. Board members’ questions or communications to staff or about programs will be channeled through the Superintendent’s office. Board members will not take individual action that might compromise the Board or District. There is no expectation of privacy for any communication sent to the Board or its members, whether sent by letter, email, or other means.
Board Member Use of Electronic Communications
For purposes of this section, electronic communications includes, without limitation, electronic mail, electronic chat, instant messaging, texting, and any form of social networking. Electronic communications among a majority or more of a Board-quorum shall not be used for the purpose of discussing District business. Electronic communications among Board members shall be limited to: (1) disseminating information, and (2) messages not involving deliberation, debate, or decision-making. The following list contains examples of permissible electronic communications:
- Agenda item suggestions
- Reminders regarding meeting times, dates, and places
- Board meeting agendas or information concerning agenda items
- Individual emails to community members, subject to the other limitations in this policy
In accordance with the Open Meetings Act and the Oath of Office taken by Board members, individual Board members will not (a) reply to an email on behalf of the entire Board, or (b) engage in the discussion of District business with a majority of a Board-quorum. The Board president may reply to emails received by the Board to acknowledge receipt of the email and refer the sender to the appropriate person or Board meeting information.
Cross Reference:
2:020 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education
8:110 Public Suggestions and Complaints
Legal Reference(s):
Date Adopted: April 25, 2006
Dates Amended: December 16, 2014; August 20 2019