2:120-E1 Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board member

2:120-E1 – Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to a New School Board Member

On District letterhead


Dear School Board Member:

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a mentor to a new Board member. The goal of the mentoring program is to orient a new Board member to the Board and District and to help him or her be comfortable, develop self-confidence, and become an effective leader. Follow these guidelines to maximize your mentoring effectiveness.

  1. Be a good mentor by sharing your knowledge and experiences with others. Take a personal interest in helping others succeed.
  2. Try to develop an informal, collegial relationship with the new Board member – explain that you are there to help. Listen respectfully to all concerns and answer questions honestly.
  3. During your first contact with the new Board member, introduce yourself and explain that you will serve as his or her mentor and are looking forward to sharing information about the Board and District. If possible, meet with the individual to become acquainted. Be available as needed to provide assistance, advice, and support. The Superintendent’s office will have already provided the new Board member with a web link or paper copy of the Board’s policies as well as other helpful material.
  4. Be prepared to introduce the new Board member at upcoming Board events until he or she becomes a familiar face.
  5. Be available and maintain a helpful attitude. You will assist the new Board member in becoming an effective member of the Board and ensuring skilled and knowledgeable future leadership for the District.

Being a mentor can bring rewards to you, the new Board member, and the District. Thank you for your assistance and commitment.


School Board President

Date Approved:  02/08/2011

Date Amended:  08/09/2016