1:030 Strategic Plan


Always learning. Always growing.


Batavia Public Schools will be a district recognized for excellence in our commitment to students, collaborative culture, and continuous improvement. Our core values related to excellence are reflected in our commitment statements.
We commit to students and their learning by

  • Maintaining a culture of growth and achievement with high expectations for all students and staff.
  • Personalizing learning to meet the needs of all students, and encouraging students to take ownership of their own success.
  • Developing the whole child by providing a variety of learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom.
  • Focusing all resources — people, time and money — on the critical task of maximizing student success.

We commit to collaboration by

  • Sharing in decision making, practicing interest-based problem solving, and engaging in professional learning communities.
  • Developing partnerships that increase opportunities for students and foster community pride.
  • Engaging in active, open communication within an environment where it is safe to express differences, share successes and learn from our mistakes.

We commit to continuous improvement by

  • Measuring student growth and learning with  quality assessments that inform decision-making and instructional improvements.
  • Using thoughtful, systematic processes to evaluate and improve all programs, strategies, and practices.
  • Ensuring all members of the school community embrace our  mission to learn and grow.

Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal One: Student Learning

Ensure maximum development, growth, and achievement for all students.

Strategic Goal Two: Learning Environment

Provide a productive, safe, and supportive learning environment.

Strategic Goal Three:  Quality Staff

Cultivate a positive and productive working environment that attracts, develops and retains high quality staff.

Strategic Goal Four: Partners in Achievement

Engage families and the community as vital partners in the education process.

Strategic Goal Five: Resource Responsibility

Demonstrate effective and efficient business operations and ensure excellent stewardship of public resources.

Date Amended:  April 22, 2015