Public Notices

Timely Notices

Perpetual Notices

Regular School Board Meeting Schedule
All regular school board meetings are open to the public. The schedule is available on our website. Legal reference: 5 ILCS 120/2.02. Policy reference: 2:200. View Schedule

Student Directory/ Photo Release
Parents have the right to opt-out of student directory and photo release disclosures. This can be done in PowerSchool during student registration. Legal reference: 23 Ill.Admin.Code §375.80. Policy reference: 7:340.

Dissection Notification
Our syllabi inform students about courses involving dissection and provide an opportunity to opt-out. Legal references: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.122, 5/27-14, and 112/1 et seq. Policy reference: 6:100.

504 Rights
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ensures non-discrimination against students with disabilities in federally funded programs, including public schools. Under Section 504, students with disabilities have the right to receive educational services tailored to their specific needs. Parents seeking further information about services under Section 504 are encouraged to contact us. Legal reference: 34 C.F.R. §104.36. Policy reference: 6:120.

Child Find
Child Find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating children with disabilities who may require special education services. This includes children who are not yet in school, highly mobile children, and wards of the state. Parents who believe their child may need special education services are encouraged to contact their local school district. Legal references: 20 USC Sec. 1412(a)(3) 34 CFR Sec. 300.111 23 IAC 226.100. Policy reference: 6:120.

Erin’s Law
Erin’s Law provides for child-focused sexual abuse prevention. Parents will receive a letter outlining our programs related to this law. Legal reference: 105 ILCS 5/10-23.13.

McKinney-Vento Act
The McKinney-Vento Act protects the educational rights of homeless children and youth. Our website provides more information. The legal reference is 42 USC 11432 (g) (6) (A) (vi). The policy reference is 6:140.

Human Trafficking Hotline Number
The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Human Trafficking Hotline number is posted for all school employees. Legal reference: 775 ILCS 50/. Policy reference: 3:060.

Sex Offender Community Notification
State law requires schools to notify parents/guardians during school registration or parent-teacher conferences that information about sex offenders and violent offenders against youth is available to the public on the Illinois State Police’s website. The Illinois State Police website contains the following:

Illinois Sex Offender Registry
Illinois Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry
Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Sex Offenders

Legal reference: 30 ILCS 152/120. Policy reference: 4:170.

Teen Dating Violence
Parents and students are notified of our policy on teen dating violence. This can be found on our website. Policy reference: 7:185.

Sex Offender Community Notification
Parents are hereby notified that information about registered sex offenders is accessible to the public. For further details, parents are encouraged to consult resources provided by local law enforcement agencies. Legal reference: 30 ILCS 152/120. Policy reference: 4:170.

Rights Concerning Student Records
Upon enrollment or transfer, parents have rights concerning their child’s school records, including access to records, privacy rights, and procedures for challenging inaccuracies. For further information, please reach out to your school’s administrative office. Policy reference: 7:340.

Opt-Out for Military and Higher Learning
Secondary students and their parents/guardians may opt out of the disclosure of students’ personal details to military recruiters and higher learning institutions. To do so, submit a written request specifying that such information should not be released without prior written consent. Policy reference: 7:340.

Right to Challenge an Entry in Student Records
Parents have the right to challenge any entry in the school student records, excluding academic grades. To initiate a challenge, a hearing request must be filed. Contact details for the Official Records Custodian are available upon request. Policy reference: 7:340.

Destruction Schedule for Records
Graduates and their parents can request notification of the destruction schedule for the student’s permanent and temporary school student records. To obtain a copy of these records, a request must be placed before the scheduled destruction date. Policy reference: 7:340.

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that helps change sugar (glucose) from food into energy. This life-threatening condition causes high levels of sugar in the blood. Without insulin, glucose gets “stuck” in the bloodstream and the body cannot use it for energy. Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes, is the most common type of diabetes diagnosed in children and young adults under 20 years of age, which is why parents and guardians need to know how to support their children. Legal reference: Public Act 103-0641.

Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) 

Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) is a database of Illinois children, adolescents, and adults with developmental disabilities who want or need developmental disability services. The PUNS database helps the Division of Developmental Disabilities identify and plan for your services. Registering in PUNS is the first and most important step you and your family can take to receive Home and Community Based Waiver services from the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Developmental Disabilities.

Parents who need help understanding the PUNS database, the steps needed to register students, how to contact the appropriate developmental disabilities Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC), and the documentation and information parents/guardians will need for the registration process, may contact the following Batavia designated PUNS trained staff for assistance:

Kari Ruh  – Director of Special Education – 

Cara Chase – Ast. Director of Special Education – 

Paulette Ollie – Early Childhood Coordinator – bp

Marta Maschman – AP of Special Education, BHS –

Chris Payton – AP of Special Education, RMS –  

For information regarding PUNS, please visit: Illinois Department of Human Services – PUNS – Division of  Developmental Disabilities    /  Understanding PUNS (pdf)   / Understanding PUNS – Spanish (pdf) / Understanding PUNS – Hindi (pdf)

The District Code for creating a PowerSchool account is WKRX.

Please contact us for more detailed information on any of these topics.