Career and Technical Education Showcase 2019
The community is invited to Batavia High School’s second annual Career and Technical Education (CTE) event showcasing the work of CTE students—culinary arts, building trades, child development, INCubator entrepreneurship, art, graphics, photography, videography, computer science, and engineering.
The event will be held on Thurs., April 25 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Batavia Fine Arts Centre, which is attached to Batavia High School. All guests should enter Batavia High School on the Main Street side and bring a photo ID.
At the event, Batavia High School students will be sharing information about their experience in each CTE program and give tours of CTE classrooms for guests. The culinary arts students will be making and serving refreshments. These students cater many BPS101 events throughout the school year and make all items fresh in the BHS kitchens.
“This event is a great opportunity for community members to see firsthand what our students are learning and how it applies to the needs of employers,” said Kathleen Tieri Ton, BHS graphics teacher. ”Regardless of whether students are headed to college or the workforce, CTE coursework exposes students to a broad range of occupations and helps define career plans.”
To RSVP to this free event, visit
For more information about Batavia High School Career and Technical Education, visit For information on how you can help support the CTE program in your own career field, contact Mike Bryant.