July 19, 2018

BHS Retention Pond Restoration Project

A living classroom is in the works at Batavia High School

You may have noticed a new sign off Wilson Street by Batavia High School stating that a restoration is in progress. Indeed it is!

Last winter, BHS Science Teachers Daniel Renz and Donna Detrick and the BHS Eco Club hatched a plan to restore the stormwater retention pond on the northeast corner of Batavia High School into a “living classroom.”

We have been working with community members and Anna Bakker from the Batavia Environmental Commission to further develop our plan and begin fundraising to bring this project to life,” said Mr. Renz. “We are relying solely on grants and donations.”

The project is slated to last about three years, but once completed, it will be the only natural area on the Batavia High School campus—ideal for ecology labs for biology and AP environmental students.

The first restoration step for all biology students this fall will be to establish a buffer zone to slow infiltration to the site, remove invasive species, and learn to plant and care for native species. Once restored, the pond will help filter and improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and require less chemical control. BHS Eco Club members will help lead student participation and take over stewardship of the site after the project is completed.

“I am very excited that students, teachers, the Batavia Environment Commission, and community members are working together to get our living classroom off the ground,” said Mr. Renz.

You Can Help, Too!

A donation page has been created by Mrs. Bakker of the Batavia Environmental Commission to help raise funds for the BHS Retention Pond Restoration Project. Three options are available:

  • The Paw Print. A bulldog would offer his paw but you can offer a foot. Your contribution will restore one square foot of natural habitat on campus. $10
  • The Pollinator. Your donation helps purchase plants guaranteed to attract pollinators including butterflies, birds, bees, and even bulldogs. $25
  • The Green Acre. This package will provide enough native plant seed to cover 500 square feet of BHS in native splendor. Making sure your donation will transform Batavia into a greener habitat for all. $50