
The Health Services Staff in BPS101 serve the students and staff throughout our buildings. Health Services Staff support all aspects of health and safety in the school community by providing emergency care, facilitating access to school health care, and identifying and managing health issues in the school that impede student learning. Every school has an assigned Certified School Nurse, and each health office is staffed with a Registered Nurse to provide continuous health care to the students and staff during the school day. 


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Exam and Immunization Requirements

The State of Illinois requires that students entering early childhood (including walk in speech), kindergarten, sixth grade and ninth grade, as well as entering an Illinois school for the first time must submit evidence of physical examination completed by a licensed physician (MD or DO), advanced practice nurse (APN), or examining physician assistant (PA).  A complete record of immunizations is also required prior to starting classes or receiving services. Sports physicals do not meet the physical requirements for entry into grades 6 or 9.

Medical objections to any physical examination or immunization must be submitted using the Illinois Certificate of Religious Exemption form completed by a physician and must contain required information, including parent consent for review of immunization data by the Illinois Department of Health. In accordance with state law, medical or religious objections to any health requirement(s) are to be submitted on the same schedule as the requirement.

Dental Requirements for Kindergarten, 2nd-grade, 6th-grade, 9th-grade, and New-to-Illinois Students

Students in kindergarten, second, sixth and ninth grades must submit evidence of a dental examination by May 15th of that school year. Dental exams must be completed within 18 months prior to May 15th.

Vision Requirements for Kindergarten and New-to-Illinois Students

Students entering Illinois schools for the 1st time (kindergarten or transfer) must submit evidence of a vision exam conducted by a physician who provides a complete eye exam or a licensed optometrist.

Student Athletes

A sports physical must be completed annually for students to participate in extracurricular activities through the IESA and IHSA. They are to be submitted through the athletics registration portal. Sports physicals do not meet the physical requirements for entry into grades 6 or 9.

BHS Athletics

RMS Athletics



Medical Needs at School

Addressing Medical Needs at School:

Our Health Services teams work to support students presenting with a variety of medical needs in the school setting. Our team works under the direction of the student’s health care provider through medical orders, action plans, and collaboration. If your child has a medical condition that needs to be planned for, cared for, or accommodated for within the school setting, please reach out to your building nurse. Some common forms required in the school setting for coordination of care can be found below:

  • Medication Authorization form – required for any over the counter or prescription medication that will be administered at school – by school staff or through student self-carry. The orders are valid for one calendar year. The form must be signed and dated by the student’s health care provider and the parent/guardian and must contain:
    • The name and purpose of the medication
    • The date of the order and the discontinuation date
    • The prescribed dosage and the time(s) of administration
    • The circumstances under which the medication is to be administered
    • The side effects of the medication
    • The signatures and dates of both the health care provider and the parent/guardian
  • Asthma Plan 
  • Allergy Plan 

End of School Year Requirements regarding Medication at School:

All Student Medication kept in the Health Office during the school year MUST BE PICKED UP by a parent or responsible adult by the last day of school, or the medication will be disposed of as medical waste.

Hearing and Vision Screenings

District 101 conducts vision and hearing screenings annually at State-mandated grade levels, as designated by the Illinois Department of Public Health. During this annual program, all students in special education programs, students transferring into the District, and students to be tested related to classroom teacher requests are screened. Screenings are performed by individuals certified by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Form Submission

Ready to submit your health forms?

  • Scan and submit your health forms to the email address of the nurse at your school building:
    • agsnurse@bps101.net
    • gmsnurse@bps101.net
    • hcsnurse@bps101.net
    • hwsnurse@bps101.net
    • jbnnurse@bps101.net
    • lwsnurse@bps101.net
    • rmsnurse@bps101.net
    • bhsnurse@bps101.net
  • Call the district office at (630) 937-8800 for additional assistance.
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