Board Strategic Priority
The Board of Education prioritizes fostering an inclusive and welcoming culture for all students. We want BPS101 to be a destination district for students by ensuring our system is inclusive and welcoming. Solid social emotional learning standards and a system-wide understanding of equitable practices will help identify barriers to learning and growing.
As a part of its strategic plan work, the Board of Education directed the administration to check in on the status of their core priorities: early learning, authentic learning, and a welcoming and inclusive environment. These priorities have been guiding work for three years, and the Board determined that additional feedback was needed, especially from underrepresented voices.
To seek feedback and engage the community around the Board’s priorities, existing data from available sources was compiled and a series of focus groups were conducted, centered on finding and lifting up voices that may not be represented in our current collaborative systems.
Taken by thousands of students, data from the 5 Essentials survey as well as the District administered Tripod survey served as the basis of the quantitative data that was a part of the process along with information from the annual school report card. Qualitative data was gathered from 29 different focus groups and over 350 individuals, inclusive of staff, students, parents, and the community.
A community engagement team was put together to process this data and identify strengths and weaknesses around each of the Board’s priority areas. Twenty-two (22) students, parents, citizens, and non-administrative staff participated in a five-part engagement process. During these meetings, the group processed the data, developed statements to identify perceived strengths and weaknesses, and then prioritized these to help guide future action planning.
Team members processed the quantitative data and made inferences about how the results reflected strengths or areas of weakness in our system. Over 70 statements were generated by the teams that processed the data. These statements were grouped into overarching themes, and then the statements were voted on as to their level of priority.
The group used prioritization criteria as well as their own experiences to individually rank both the strengths and weaknesses. The impact on student learning, the ability to impact systemic change, a focus on equity, the connectedness of the statement related to other potential improvements, and the actionability of the statement were the guiding criteria the group used in the process.