Elementary Instructional Learning Program
The Elementary Instructional Learning Program is a cross-categorical, instructional program for students with intellectual disabilities, significant learning disabilities or Autism. This program is available for students in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade. The program provides a smaller, highly-structured classroom environment with embedded academic, functional, and communicative supports. The program is set-up with two classrooms, Kindergarten – Second Grade and another classroom third through fifth grade. Each classroom has a two, full-time special education teacher, paraprofessional support and a team of related services team members.
Program Goals
- To assist students in acquiring appropriate functional and social behaviors in order to function appropriately and successfully in the general education setting.
- To provide academic instruction and/or support in the special education and general education settings to maximize student achievement.
- To provide an environment where students receive a high degree of modeling, reinforcement, and visual supports to optimize learning and student engagement.
- To provide related services based on the individual needs of each student. Related services may include: Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and/or Social Work.
This Program is Designed for …
- Special education students with significant academic, functional and communication needs.
- Students who have difficulty accessing the curriculum in a larger group learning environment.
- Students who require a higher degree of adult interactions and support.
- Students, based on the determination of the IEP team, with needs that cannot be met in a less- restrictive environment.
The IEP team may recommend a change in programming when …
- The team determines that a student has demonstrated increased independence and academic growth, leading to success in the general education setting.
- The student is not making adequate progress in the areas of academics, peer relationships and/or language development and requires an alternative program to be successful.
A Partnership with Parents/Guardians
- Parent involvement in each child’s educational program is encouraged and welcomed by the school team members.
- Student progress will be reported to parents on a regular basis via email, progress reports and/or parent/teacher conferences.
- Academic, language and functional interventions will be designed and adjusted based on each student’s individual progress in the program.
- The school team is committed to working closely with students and parents to help each student feel successful in the least restrictive environment.