Student Handbooks
Student Records
School student records are confidential and information from them shall not be released other than as provided by law. Any record that contains personally identifiable information or other information that would link the document to an individual student is a school student record if maintained by the District, except: (1) records that are kept in the sole possession of a school staff member, are destroyed not later than the student’s graduation or permanent withdrawal, and are not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute teacher, and (2) records kept by law enforcement officials working in the school. State and federal law grant students and parent(s)/guardian(s) certain rights, including the right to inspect, copy, and challenge school records. The information contained in school student records shall be kept current, accurate, clear and relevant. All information maintained concerning a student receiving special education services shall be directly related to the provision of services to that child. The District may release directory information as permitted by law, but parent(s)/guardian(s) shall have the right to object to the release of information regarding their child. However, the District will comply with an ex parte court order requiring it to permit the U.S. Attorney General or designee to have access to a student’s school records without notice to, or the consent of, the students’ parent(s)/guardian(s).
Specific district procedures governing classification, review, challenge, and disclosure of student records are listed below:
- Student Permanent Record The student’s permanent record will consist of the following information: Basic identifying information, academic transcripts, attendance records, health records, accident records, and report cards, if applicable.
- Student Temporary Record The student’s temporary record shall consist of all information not required to be in the student permanent record. This includes the following information: Immediate family information, standardized test score data, staffing reports from special education resources and psychological and social work reports.
- A parent or any person specifically designated as a representative by a parent shall have the right to inspect and copy all the student’s permanent and temporary records at a cost not to exceed thirty-five (35) cents per page.
- BPS101 shall obtain the written consent of the parent of the student or the eligible student before disclosing any information from the student other than directory information. Parents may request copies of said information prior to disclosure or release.
- BPS101 will forward student’s educational records:
- to a school in which the student intends to enroll when a signed release has been filed, or
- to a school in which a student has already enrolled upon request from the school’s records officer.
Parents have the right to review and challenge the information contained in a school’s student record prior to transfer of the record to another school district.
- Prior written consent for disclosure of personally identifiable information by BPS101 from the education records of a student is not required in the following situations:
- To other school officials, including teachers, within the school district,
- To comply with a judicial order,
- To parents of a dependent student,
- To organizations (Federal, State and local) conducting studies for or on behalf of a school district for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests and improving instruction provided that there will be no personal identification of students or their parents,
- To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency,
- To determine the eligibility, amount, and conditions associated with student designated directory information.
- financial aid,
- To accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions, or The parent of a student or an eligible student may request BPS101 school officials to amend his/her educational records exclusive of academic grades, when it is believed that the information contained in the education records of the student is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy of the student.
- No person may condition the granting or withholding of any right, privilege or benefits or make as a condition of employment, credit or insurance, the securing by an individual of any information from a student’s temporary record which such individual may obtain through the exercise of any right secured under the Act or these regulations.
BPS101 adheres to the following record destruction schedule:
- Permanent records are destroyed 60 years after a student has left the district.
- Temporary records are destroyed 5 years after a student has left the district.
- Parents of children under 18 years of age may request a copy of their child’s records prior to the destruction date at thirty-five (35) cents per page.