Student Handbooks
Instructional Programs
High-Ability Services
BPS101 services for high-ability students support the whole child academically, socially, and emotionally. Personalized and flexible services include appropriate rigor and result in student engagement that fosters continuous growth and learning. Procedures for high-ability student services.
English Learners (EL) Program
Students with limited proficiency in the English language have the opportunity to work with a teacher-specialist to develop needed verbal and written skills deemed necessary to be successful in the regular education program. EL classes providing support services take place during the school day in each of our attendance centers.
Students are identified through the Home Language Survey when they enter our schools. Students whose parents speak a language other than English in the home are tested by an EL specialist to determine the level of English language proficiency in the areas of reading, writing, and speaking. Based on this proficiency, students are provided services by the EL specialist outside of the general education classroom. In addition, the EL specialist and the classroom teacher collaborate to determine how to best meet the student’s needs in the classroom.
Students are not exited from the program until the student has acquired a sufficient level of proficiency to be successful in the general education classroom.