Board Members
Batavia School District 101 is proudly governed by an elected board consisting of seven residents dedicated to serving the students and the community. The Board of Education governs the District through powers and duties that include adopting goals and policies that meet state requirements and reflect community needs; providing the resources necessary to pursue its goals according to its policies, and monitoring District performance to see that results are consistent with goals and policies.
Official action by the Board may only occur at a duly called and legally conducted meeting at which a quorum is physically present. In all other circumstances, the individual Board members do not have authority to act or speak on behalf of the Board of Education. When you encounter them outside of an official meeting, consider them a member of the community rather than a Board member.
The Board values active community participation in the District’s endeavors and encourages people to engage with the District using the appropriate channels and systems designed with your input in mind. Board members are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the District and cannot engage in District business individually.
The agreed-upon Board of Education Protocols can be found here.
We are committed to helping you find ways to actively participate including:
- Refer you to the appropriate staff member or District administrator to hear a concern, help solve a problem, or answer a question.
- Connect you to a District affiliate or partner group.
- Encourage you to send feedback to the Board.
- Enable you to follow official Board business by
- Reviewing online documents that include all minutes and decisions made;
- Viewing a recording of a Board meeting; or
- Becoming an audience member at a Board meeting with the option of speaking during public comments.

Craig Meadows
Board President
Term expires 2025

Sue Locke
Board Secretary
Term expires 2025

RJ Mathis
Board Member
Term expires 2025

Danielle Sligar
Board Member
Term expires 2027

Rob Arulandu
Board Member
Term expires 2027

Raquel Gonzalez-Thomas
Board Member
Term expires 2027