8:010 Public Relations
The Superintendent is the District’s chief spokesperson and shall plan, implement, and evaluate a District public relations program which will:
- Develop public understanding of school operation.
- Gather public attitudes and desires for the District.
- Secure adequate financial support for a sound educational program.
- Help citizens feel a more direct responsibility for the quality of education provided by their schools.
- Earn the public’s good will, respect, and confidence.
- Promote a genuine spirit of cooperation between the school and the community.
- Keep the news media provided with accurate information.
The public relations program should include:
- Regular news releases concerning District programs, policies, and activities, which will be sent to the news media.
- News conferences and interviews as requested or needed. Individuals shall not speak for the District without prior approval from the Superintendent.
- Publications having a high quality of editorial content and effective format. All publications shall identify the District, school, department, or classroom and shall include the name of the Superintendent, the Building Principal, and/or the author and the publication date, and
- Other programs that highlight the District’s programs and activities.
Cross Reference:
2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
Date Adopted: 09/14/2010