3:050 Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent

Duties and Authority

The School Board establishes District administrative and supervisory positions in accordance with the District’s needs and State law. This policy applies to all administrators other than the Superintendent, including without limitation, Building Principals. The general duties and authority of each administrative or supervisory position are approved by the Board, upon the Superintendent’s recommendation, and contained in the respective position’s job description. In the event of a conflict, State law and/or the administrator’s employment agreement shall control.


All administrative personnel shall be appropriately licensed and shall meet all applicable requirements contained in State law and Illinois State Board of Education rules.


The Superintendent or designee shall evaluate all administrative personnel and make employment and salary recommendations to the Board.

Administrators shall annually present evidence to the Superintendent of professional growth through attendance at educational conferences, additional schooling, in-service training, and Illinois Administrators’ Academy courses, or through other means as approved by the Superintendent.

Administrative Work Year

The work year for administrators shall be the same as the District’s fiscal year, July 1 through June 30, unless otherwise stated in the employment agreement. In addition to legal holidays, administrators shall have vacation periods as approved by the Superintendent. All administrators shall be available for work when their services are necessary.

Compensation and Benefits

The Board and each administrator shall enter into an employment agreement that complies with Board policy and State law. The terms of an individual employment contract, when in conflict with this policy, will control.

The Board will consider the Superintendent’s recommendations when setting compensation for individual administrators. These recommendations should be presented to the Board no later than the March Board meeting or at such earlier time that will allow the Board to consider contract renewal and nonrenewal issues.

Unless stated otherwise in individual employment contracts, all benefits and leaves of absence available to teaching personnel are available to administrative personnel.

Cross Reference: 

3:060 Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal

5:030 Hiring Process and Criteria

5:250 Leaves of Absence

Legal Reference(s): 

105 ILCS 5/10-21.4a, 5/21-7.1, 5/24A-1, 5/24A-3, and 5/24A-4, and 5/24A-20.

23 Ill.Admin.Code §§1.310 and 1.705.

Date Adopted:   June 28, 2011

Date Amended:   June 23, 2015