Gross Misconduct and Acts Which Endanger Others Include, but are not limited to:

    Gang activity and attire are strictly prohibited anywhere on any school grounds in the district or on any school bus. A “gang” is herein defined as any group that participates in illegal and/or violent activities. Gang activity includes, but is not limited to:
    Intentionally or knowingly threatening another with imminent injury is prohibited. Physical threats or physical assault upon a staff member or unprovoked physical assault upon another student will result in immediate consequences and a possible recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion, and the appropriate police authorities may be notified.  Threatening behavior, such as stare-downs, hard looks, electronic intimidation, and other intimidating actions are also included.

        1. Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, tattoo, or other items which are evidence of membership in or affiliation to any gang.  In the interest of a safe school environment, students may be requested to avoid wearing certain color combinations or the above listed items that, in the judgment of the school administration, may have the appearance of gang affiliation.
        2. Committing any act or using any communication either verbal or non-verbal (gestures, handshakes, signs, etc.) showing membership or affiliation in a gang.
        3. Drawing gang-related graffiti or distributing gang-related literature or other actions of a recruiting nature.
        4. Fighting – Any student involved in a fight in which any gang activity or weapons are present will be disciplined. The appropriate police authorities will be notified and arrests may be made.
        5. Any other activity in furtherance of the gang which violates School Board policy. The appropriate police authorities will be notified and depending on the severity of the infraction, expulsion proceedings may be initiated immediately.  It will be the determination of the school administration as to reasonable suspicion of gang related behavior.
  4. Students are prohibited from assaulting, battering, fighting, hazing, harassing or bullying any other student or school employee (Board Policy 7:180). These behaviors cause serious disruption and are not acceptable in any form. Students experiencing or witnessing these offenses should report to the Student Services Office immediately.  Students who demonstrate behaviors that put them at risk of aggressive or potentially violent behavior may be referred to the Dean’s Office. These behaviors may be defined as:
            1. Assault -A person commits an assault when, without lawful authority, he engages in conduct which places another in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery. Assault indicates a threat of physical harm, not necessarily physical contact.
            2. Battery – Intentionally, or knowingly without legal justification and by any means, (a) causes bodily harm to an individual, or (b) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual.
            3. Fighting – Any student involved in a fight in school or anywhere on campus, on a school bus, or school-sponsored trip or event will be disciplined.  A student who has made an effort to avoid a fight by bringing the situation to the attention of a staff member beforehand will be given more consideration regarding any consequence that might be received.  In addition, the appropriate police authorities may be notified depending on the severity of the situation.  Inciting or soliciting a fight will also not be tolerated.  Watching or recording any fight will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to seek out a staff member immediately if they witness a fight in progress or hear of a planned fight.  
            4. Sexual Harassment – Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature, such as (a) crude or suggestive remarks directed at an individual based on the individual’s gender, (b) sexual proposition advances, (c) requesting sexual favors by threat. Harassment occurs when such conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment. This includes but is not limited to harassment via electronic means (cell phones, social media, sexting, taking/sharing pictures)  
            5. Teen Dating Violence Prohibited (BOE Policy 7:185) Engaging in teen dating violence that takes place at school, on school property, at school-sponsored activities, or in vehicles used for school-provided transportation is prohibited.  For purposes of this policy, the term teen dating violence occurs whenever a student who is 13 to 19 years of age uses or threatens to use physical, mental, or emotional abuse to control an individual in the dating relationship; or uses or threatens to use sexual violence in the dating relationship.
            6. Harassment/Bullying (Including Electronic and/or Cyber Bullying) – Bullying is any act of contempt intended to cause harm. This may include verbal or written threats directed towards students, purposeful exclusion of peers with intent to harm, or taunting. This will include harmful messages or threats posted online, either in email or on social networking sites, if the behavior is then continued on into the school day. Extreme or inappropriate communications (oral, written, or electronic) or expressive acts that are intended to harass, intimidate, or humiliate a person on the basis of race, sex, national origin, religion, alternative lifestyle, or physical characteristics are absolutely forbidden. Harassment occurs when such conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment.
            7. Hazing – Hazing is defined as to irritate, to annoy, to oppress, punish or harass by forcing to do hard and unnecessary work; to initiate or discipline by means of horseplay, practical jokes and tricks, often in the nature of humiliation or painful ordeals.


    See “Serious Violations” for the definition of insubordination. The determination of the severity of the insubordination will be made by the Administration.


    No student shall knowingly possess, handle, or transmit any knife, razor, ice pick, explosive of any kind, gun, BB gun, metal knuckles, or other object that can reasonably be considered a weapon, dangerous instrument, or object capable of firing a projectile.  This regulation includes any look-alike objects that may have the appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument, as well as any threat or inappropriate comment regarding weapon use. Chains hanging from clothing or wallets, spiked collars, and any similar objects are also covered under this rule.  The appropriate police authorities will be notified, and depending on the severity of the infraction, expulsion proceedings may be initiated.  


    Any student who contacts the school with a bomb threat, calls in or pulls a fire alarm falsely, attempts arson or commits any type of endangering act will be guilty of GROSS MISCONDUCT.

    Any student (regardless of intent) who threatens or implies a plan to harm others by means of gun violence in schools will be reported to the police and subjected to disciplinary action including the possibility of expulsion. This includes threats made through the use of communication devices, including but not limited to: written or verbal messages, pictures, “jokes,” or memes.  


    An integral part of students’ education at BHS is to develop a sense of responsibility for their own conduct, respect authority, and respect the rights of others. Excessive or repeated discipline problems are counterproductive to the educational process and will not be tolerated.  Determination will be at the discretion of the administration.