Student Handbooks

Conduct and Discipline


Students shall demonstrate behavior consistent with the standards of good citizenship in a democratic society.  Students shall be expected to use accepted patterns of courtesy and decency; respect the rights of others; abide by state and district attendance regulations; and comply with Building Guidelines.  The school should be a safe and secure place to acquire an education and students have the responsibility to assist and cooperate with the school faculty, staff and administrators. (Board Policy 7:130)

All school rules apply to all Batavia Students students while in the school building, on school grounds, on a school bus (Board Policy 7:220), on any school-sponsored trip, excursion, event or field trip, in any building or grounds belonging to District #101, during any extra-curricular activities, or any other place or event that bears a reasonable relationship to the District.  Infractions that occur off school grounds and outside of school hours may be given school consequences if it is determined by school staff that the infraction would disrupt the educational environment of the school.

The Board of Education establishes the rules regarding student conduct.  Disciplinary action will be applied within the following guidelines in a firm, fair, and consistent manner. A discipline referral will be completed. Copies will go into the student’s discipline file, to the student’s counselor, to the issuing teacher, and to the parent/legal guardian via mail or email.

Bullying/Harassment Reporting

Students who feel they need to report harassment/bullying they experienced or witnessed may fill out the Harassment Reporting Form. Student Services will follow up on reports and take disciplinary action as needed.

In compliance with Public Act 99-456 behavioral interventions will be implemented on a case by case basis.  Interventions may include, but are not limited to behavior contracts, detentions, social probation, in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, police referrals, restitution, community service, or other restorative discipline opportunities.

Handbook examples of violations of District rules and behavior interventions are for illustrative purposes only and in no way limit the District’s ability to impose appropriate disciplinary measures.  The Board of Education reserves the right to take any appropriate disciplinary action, including expulsion, as needed on a case-by-case basis.

Minor Violations include, but are not limited to:

  1. Skateboarding or skating in the building.
  2. Eating, drinking, or leaving garbage in the building other than in designated areas.
  3. Dress and grooming violations.
  4. Inappropriate use of portable electronic devices, excluding cell phones.
  5. Inappropriate displays of affection.  
  6. Inappropriate use of hall passes.
  7. Failure to report to assigned schedule.
  8. Failure to serve teacher assigned detention.
  9. Refusal to show student ID card

Serious Violations or Misconduct include, but are not limited to:

  1. Gambling.
  2. Minor insubordination.
  3. Failure to attend after school detention.  
  4. Use of or display of an electronic communication device or cellular telephone during academic class time.
  5. Violation of off-campus regulations or in an unauthorized area.
  6. Possession and/or use of laser pointing device.
  7. Forgery.
  8. Minor inappropriate language.
  9. Classroom disruption.
  10. Repeated Minor violations (listed above)

Major Disturbances, Misconduct and Safety Violations include, but are not limited to:

  1. Major insubordination.
  2. Major inappropriate language.
  3. Disorderly conduct; disrupting the educational process.
  4. Continued defiance of school rules.
  5. Cafeteria violations/throwing food.
  6. Violating the Health Policy/procedure for medication   
  7. Theft, extortion or vandalism.  
  8. Repeated minor and serious violations (listed above)

Gross Misconduct and Acts Which Endanger Others include, but are not limited to:

  1. Threats or intimidation.
  2. Gang activity (includes dress)
  3. Assault, battery, fighting, harassing or hazing of other students or school personnel.  
  4. Gross insubordination.
  5. Weapons violation.
  6. Bomb threat or endangering act.  
  7. Excessive or repeated disruptive behavior.
  8. Serious disruption to the educational environment.
  9. Repeated offenses listed above

Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Policy

  1. Illegal substances
  2. Tobacco policy

Due Process Procedure

In disciplinary cases where a student is removed from school for a day or longer (out-of-school suspension), the district affords a due process appeal procedure. The student shall be informed of the charges and have the right to respond. Upon request of the parents or guardian, an appeal of the suspension may be made to the principal of the school. If the parents or guardian do not feel that a satisfactory resolution has occurred at the school building level, the parents or guardian may request a hearing at the district level. Upon receipt of this request, the School Board shall conduct a hearing or a hearing officer appointed by it to review the suspension. At the hearing, the parents or guardian of the student may appear and discuss the suspension with the Board or its hearing officer. If a hearing officer is appointed by the Board, he shall report to the Board a written summary of the evidence heard at the meeting. After its hearing or upon receipt of the report of the hearing officer, the Board may take such action as it finds appropriate.

A student whose presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property, or poses an ongoing threat or disruption to the academic process, may be immediately removed from school. In such cases, the requirements of due process proceeding will follow as soon as possible.

NOTE: The above procedures do not guarantee protection of privileges such as participating in extra-curricular activities, including athletics.