7:180-AP1 Prevention, Identification, Investigation, and Response to Bullying
The strategic components for integrating an anti-bullying program into the District’s existing policies and procedures are listed below. Each component lists specific implementation steps along with resources and accompanying exhibits. The Superintendent or designee, at the District-level, or the Building Principal or designee, at the Building-level, is responsible for the integration of these components. Use the local conditions of the community and other available resources to determine the best implementation methods. At times, support from the School Violence Prevention Team (see Board Policy 4:190, Targeted School Violence Prevention Program) may be appropriate as bullying and threats of school violence often arise from the same behavior pattern(s), i.e., interpersonal aggression.
Preventing Bullying
- Review 7:180-AP1, E1, Resource Guide for Bullying Prevention.
- Review the Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE) bullying prevention webpage, at: www.isbe.net/Pages/Bullying-Prevention.aspx.
- Review the Cyberbullying Research Center’s Cyberbullying Fact Sheet: Identification, Prevention, and Response, at: https://cyberbullying.org/cyberbullying-fact-sheet-identifcation-prevention-and-response.
- Assess the District’s Conditions for Development and Learning. Below are resources that discuss and provide information about how to implement school climate measurement instruments and how to build a safe environment:
Safe Supportive Learning’s School Climate Measurement compendium at: https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/topic-research/school-climate-measurement.
U.S. Government’s StopBullying.gov prevention webpage, at: www.stopbullying.gov/prevention/build-safe-environment.
Identifying Bullying
- Post 7:180-AP1, E2, Be a Hero by Reporting Bullying, in school buildings, student handbooks, online, etc.
- Train staff to recognize and accept reports of bullying, 7:180-AP1, E3, Memo to Staff Regarding Bullying.
- Inform parents/guardians about the District’s anti-bullying program, 7:180-AP1, E4, Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying.
- Inform students how to make a report, including an anonymous report, i.e., complete and submit 7:180-AP1, E5, Report Form for Bullying.
Investigating Reports of Bullying
- Within 24 hours after the school administration becomes aware of a student’s involvement in an alleged incident of bullying, notify the student’s parent(s)guardian(s) of the incident, along with threats, suggestions, or instances of self-harm determined to be the result of bullying. Utilize all contact information available or that can be reasonably obtained within the 24-hour period.
- Conduct a prompt, thorough, and impartial investigation upon receiving a report.
- Review the report, i.e., 7:180-AP1, E5, Report Form for Bullying.
- Interview the listed aggressor(s), target(s), and witnesses using 7:180-AP1, E6, Interview Form for Bullying Investigation.
Responding to Bullying
- Complete 7:180-AP1, E7, Response to Bullying.
- Notify the District’s Non-Discrimination Coordinator if the findings indicate that the behavior was based upon the protected statuses listed in Board Policy 7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited.
- Communicate and partner with the parents/guardians of the students involved. Ask parents/guardians, “How can we help you and your child?”
- Stop the behavior(s).
- Eliminate any hostile environment(s) and its effects (see Preventing Bullying #4, above).
- Prevent the bullying from happening again.
- Implement appropriate interventions for the target, aggressor, and District.
- Address any findings of repeated inaccurate accusations against an alleged aggressor that are beginning to impede his or her education, e.g., reverse bullying.
- Follow-up with the target, aggressor, and their parents/guardians to ensure subsequent bullying has not occurred and no new concerns have arisen.
Date Adopted: March 21, 2023
Date Amended: September 17, 2024