6:150-AP1 Homebound/Hospital Instruction (HHI)

6:150-AP1 Homebound/Hospital Instruction (HHI)


1. Home/hospital services are provided to a student when a licensed medical physician determines that the student, will or is anticipated, due to medical condition, be out of school for 10 consecutive school days or more or on an ongoing intermittent basis totaling at least 10 days or more of absences.
2. Home or hospital instruction may begin upon receipt of a written physician’s statement, but instruction shall commence no later than 5 school days from the date of the first absence.
3. Special Education and related services must be implemented as part of the student’s home or hospital instruction, unless the IEP team determines that modifications are necessary during the home or hospital instruction.  Teachers who provide home/hospital instruction to students with disabilities must be certified to teach special education.
4. An addendum to the IEP indicating the services to be provided during home/hospital tutoring must be completed within 5 school days.  A copy of the revised IEP is forwarded to the parents and placed in the student’s file.
5.  Students must receive a minimum of one hour of instruction each school day or in lieu thereof a minimum of 5 hours of instruction per week unless the attending physician indicates that the student requires less tutoring due to their medical condition.  Tutoring can be provided up to 10 hours per week based on the needs of the student.


1. The home/hospital tutoring is initiated by the student’s counselor, social worker, case manager or building nurse.   The completed Physician’s statement is forwarded to the Student Services Department.
2. The building-level team provides a primary building contact person (Counselor, Social Worker or Case Manager) to support the student, parent and tutor.
3. The Student Services Department sets up the tutor and collects documentation of student’s attendance at tutoring sessions.
4. The Student Services Department provides the tutor with the student’s schedule, parent contact information and teacher contact information.  In addition, the Student Services Department will provide the tutor with a primary building contact person.
5. The student’s counselor, social worker or case manager notifies the attendance secretary, building nurse, Dean’s office,  classroom teachers and School Psychologist that a student is receiving home/hospital instruction and the proposed duration of the tutoring.
6. The tutor contacts the parents to set up a time and location for tutoring.  Tutoring may only take place on days when school is in session and students are in attendance (no holidays, weekends, institute days, etc).
7. The tutor contacts the student’s teachers directly for instructional materials and assignments.
● The classroom teachers will route instructional materials to the tutor within 1 day of the request.
● Materials are shared with the school guidance secretary or directly through emails with the tutor.
● The tutor will contact the Counselor, Social Worker or Case Manager if he/she is having difficulty acquiring instructional materials.
● Tutors turn in the assignments weekly to the teachers.
● Or, the building contact person will work with Curriculum and Instruction to enroll the student in online coursework, if available and appropriate to meet the student’s needs.
8. Final exams shall be proctored to students upon their return to school.  The classroom
teachers shall assign and record all grades.  In cases of long-term homebound instruction,
the team should consult with the building administrator regarding arrangements for final
9.     The “primary building contact person” will notify the team when tutoring has ended.
10.   The tutor forwards time-sheets, signed by the parent, to the Student Services Department.
11.   The Student Services Department will maintain HHI documents required for ISBE claim
submission and will file reimbursement claims.

Date Adopted:   January 11, 2012

Date Amended:  July 23, 2014