7:345-E1 Student Covered Information Reporting Form

7:345-E1 Student Covered Information Reporting Form

Use this sample form to implement the requirements of the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) (105 ILCS 85/27(a)(1), added by P.A. 101-516, eff. 7-1-21). SOPPA requires a district to provide a clear and understandable layperson explanation on the district’s website (or at the district administrative office, if it does not maintain a website) of the data elements of covered information that a district collects, maintains, or discloses to any person, entity, third party, or governmental agency, as well as other operator-related information.

Covered Information (CI) Disclosed to Operators

Operator Name Site/Application Service Data Elements of CI How the CI is Used Purpose of Disclosure Link to Copy of Contract Operator Business Address Subcontractors to Whom CI is Disclosed










Covered Information (CI) Disclosed to Other Third Parties, Including Government Agencies

Other Third Party/Gov’t Agency Site/Application/Service Data Elements of CI How the CI is used Purpose of Disclosure










Date Adopted:  April 20, 2021